
Welcoming the tiny Hooman ❤️

When I first started writing this blog, I was focused on tiny little things that make my life more meaningful. My fascination for the smaller things in life led me to pen down my thoughts in the form of a blog. And soon after I started this blog, I was given the news of my lifetime.

We got to know that we were pregnant and that I was brewing a tiny little human of my own inside of me. And with the roller coaster ride that those 9 months were I never got the time to write about my journey through this. But I guess it’s never too late to make amends. I would be writing about my experiences with this tiny fur ball from inside of me to the outside, and trust me it’s anything but smooth and unadventurous 😋

P.S: Not digressing from my initial goal of writing about tiny and small things, just that now I got a tiny and small human to write as well about ❤️

Economies of tiny

Do you spot the tiny creatures? Well this is from my time in Amsterdam and this Airbnb rental turned out to be my best stay amongst all the cities I visited.

Every morning I woke up to these adorable babies lying around the house, waking me up and curing any hangover that I might have from the last nights’ herbal smoking (if you know what i mean ;))

The landlord had curated the apartment in the most fancy way with these tiny ones scattered right from living room to the washroom. I am sure these had  magical powers to make my husband prepare me a scrumptious breakfast in bed for the entire time we were there ♥♥♥

Bundle of Joy

In this day and age of modernization, bigger is synonymous with better. Right from your handheld devices to the houses that we live in, cars we drive, jewelry that we wear, parties that we throw, pitchers of beer that we order.

I, for one, am still in love with the smaller things. Right from those cute little coin pouches to the dainty hair clips. From early morning peck on the cheek from my husband to my favorite accessory, my wedding ring.

It will be unfair to say that I am averse to big things in life, I would any day go for the biggest piece of cake or the big couch to crash in after a hectic day. But since I never want to lose touch with the small things around me that brighten my day, I am going to dedicate this blog to those tiny knick knacks that are the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for me.

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